
Can Home Delivery Help Pay the Bills?

Ernie Perry 

With the continued tension between infrastructure needs and available funding, Colorado’s Senate Bill 260 looks to a least partially remedy the situation through a unique tax that captures the infrastructure use by home delivery, courier and driver services.  For example, each Amazon or UPS delivery will cost an additional 27 cents.  For services like Uber and Lyft, each ride will cost an additional 30 cents.  As transportation changes, with electric vehicles, or alternate logistics chains, or modal changes, governments will need to identify creative and new ways to ensure continued user funding for transportation infrastructure. 

See the article at: https://www.masstransitmag.com/management/news/21272470/co-ordering-from-amazon-or-taking-a-lyft-ride-youre-about-to-kick-in-money-for-roads-transit-and-electric-vehicles

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