Central Minnesota Freight Study

Ernie Perry 

Minnesota Public Radio recently featured a story on MnDOT’s Central Minnesota Regional Freight Plan.

Solutions for sluggish truck traffic on Interstate Highway 94 in Central Minnesota include bolstering the interstate’s capacity or linking it to U.S. Highway 10 via a new freeway connection.
That’s according to a preliminary state study of freight transportation in the region, released by the Minnesota Department of Transportation earlier this month. MnDOT fielded public comment on the draft study at a meeting Monday afternoon in St. Cloud.
The study, which should be finalized early next year, says improving Interstate 94 would aid the movement of freight in Central Minnesota.
The study also calls for regaining air service at St. Cloud Regional Airport, improving freight rail access in the region, creating a new committee for businesses to give input on transportation issues, and designating go-to roads for oversized truck loads.

Read the entire article.

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