Minnesota DOT State Wide Freight Plan Reviewed

Ernie Perry 

MAFC member, the Minnesota Department of Transportation has received confirmation from the FHWA on their updated Statewide Freight System Plan dated November, 2017. This plan aligns with Minnesota GO and the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan, which establish Minnesota’s overall vision for transportation. In addition, the plan meets the freight planning requirements of the federal Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century, or MAP-21, transportation legislation and aligns with the provisions of the federal Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, or FAST Act.

The plan includes a snapshot of Minnesota’s current freight system as well as a description of the state’s economy, relevant trends, and current and future issues around freight. It also includes an action agenda which outlines how the system can keep pace with the significant growth in freight tonnage expected by 2040.

One of multiple transportation plans in support of the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan and the Minnesota GO vision for transportation in the state, this plan was developed with the help of the public-private Minnesota Freight Advisory Committee.

The plan and a video explaining the plan development are online at the MnDOT website.

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