Minnesota Freight Advisory (MFAC) Quarterly Meeting

Ernie Perry 

Friday, October 5, 2012, 8 a.m. – noon
Holiday Inn Rochester Downtown
220 South Broadway Avenue
Rochester, MN 55904

The next meeting of the Minnesota Freight Advisory Committee (MFAC) will focus on the unique freight issues and innovations experienced by Southeast Minnesota.
Plan now to attend and hear from shippers, carriers, facilities operators, and the public about the region’s challenges and opportunities. For detailed event information, please download the draft agenda.
To register, please fill out the online registration form by Friday, September 28.
MFAC provides a forum for exchanging ideas and addressing issues between MnDOT and the private sector to develop and promote a safe, reliable, efficient, and environmentally responsible freight transportation system for the state. The objectives are to:

  • Ensure freight transportation needs are addressed in the planning, investment, and operation of Minnesota’s transportation system.
  • Establish guidelines to measure and manage the state’s freight transportation needs.
  • Provide input and direction on MnDOT’s transportation policies, needs, and issues.
  • Recommend program and research areas for MnDOT follow-up and direction.
  • Represent the needs and requirements of freight transportation to the public, elected officials, and other public agencies and organizations.
  • The event is hosted by the Minnesota Department of Transportation with support from the Center for Transportation Studies at the University of Minnesota.

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