USDOT Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Limits Study – Public Input Session

Ernie Perry 

Public Input Session
May 29, 2013
US DOT Headquarters
12:30-4:30pm EDT

The US DOT is holding a public input session for the Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Study (CTSW) that is required by MAP-21 (section 32801).

The Study will evaluate and compare the differences between trucks loaded at or below current federal truck size and weight limits to those operating in excess of those limits. The CTSW Study will produce findings on highway safety and truck crash frequency and severity, pavement and bridge infrastructure service life impacts, the cost and effectiveness of enforcement and implications for the national transportation system including the modal share of freight movements that would result if Federal truck size and weight limits were to change.
The first Public Outreach Session will provide stakeholders an opportunity to share feedback on the approach and methods USDOT intends to use to complete the Study. The USDOT will also solicit comments on “alternative truck configurations” to be evaluated in the Study. The meeting, which is free and open to the public, will be held as an in-person workshop. Webinar access is available for those unable to attend in person. Three additional Public Outreach Sessions will be held over the next year and a half.

Register for the webinar or contact the US DOT to attend in person.
Before the public input session, US DOT will provide worksheet on the alternative truck configurations at the FHWA CTSW study website, which will also include webinar transcripts and stakeholder comments.

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