Maritime News

Great Laker: The 5 Keys to Strategic Port Planning

Ernie Perry 

A recent issue of the Great Laker published an article by MAFC Program Manager Ernie Perry that was based on the results of Phase 1 of the Wisconsin Commercial Port Development Initiative (WCPDI) conducted by Perry and a CFIRE research team. This article outlined the five key elements for strategic port planning:

  1. Get everyone on board.
  2. Consider port and marine freight development as a part of a larger system.
  3. Align your efforts with regional, national, and international work.
  4. Planning is imperative and will help build the human and agency capital needed to support port development and increased awareness of the capabilities and opportunities at the ports.
  5. The WCPDI is a strategic process and will require ongoing support from marine freight advocates.

Check out the entire article (page 54-55).

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