Author: Ernie Perry
The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) recently released a new technical report, Transportation Services Index and the Economy—Revisited, that confirms that the Transportation Services Indexes (TSIs) both lead the economy, though in different ways. BTS extended the TSI back to 1979, examining five recessions and numerous growth cycles. “When the accelerations and decelerations of the freight […]
The US Census Bureau has released the results of the 2012 Commodity Flow Survey. The Commodity Flow Survey is conducted every five years as part of the Census Bureau’s economic census. The survey, a partnership with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics, is the primary source of national, state and selected metropolitan areas statistics […]
The Center for Transportation Studies (CTS) at the University of Minnesota is hosting the Minnesota Statewide Freight Summit/Symposium. This meeting will be held on December 5, 2014 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This event aims to foster executive-level thought leadership between government and industry to develop a freight action plan that supports an efficient and competitive freight […]
The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) recently released a Port Planning and Investment Toolkit. The Port Planning and Investment Toolkit is being built around modules on planning, funding and executing projects, with the goal of making navigating the best course of action to accomplish your goals easier and more user friendly than ever before. […]
Madison, Wisconsin.—The US Department of Transportation (US DOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has selected the University of Wisconsin-Madison to establish the Midwest Transportation Workforce Center (MTWC) as one of five regional transportation workforce centers in the country. The MTWC, funded by a $600,000 grant by FHWA, is led by Dr. Teresa Adams. The Center will […]
Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Madison, Wisconsin The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is seeking an a Freight Data Analyst. This position has a freight and economic development focus related to the preparation of transportation plans and economic studies. This position plays an active role in the development and maintenance of economic and freight information for the […]
The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) recently released the latest draft of the Missouri State Freight Plan and invited the public to provide input. Over the last several months the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) has been working with stakeholders across the state to identify opportunities and actions to improve Missouri’s freight transportation system. The […]
The General Accountability Office recently released a report that reviewed trends in freight flows and any related traffic congestion impacts. This report makes two recommendations for the US Department of Transportation: In order to clarify the federal role related to freight-related local traffic congestion, in implementing MAP-21 and any subsequent reauthorization, in its final guidance […]