Category: Freight Notes

Fall River Woes

Freight Notes Uncategorized

Low water levels on the Mississippi River are slowing barge movements. To add to the frustration of the delays, there is an industry wide work force shortage, and the tow’s cost of operation continue and multiple with the delays.  Read the article at:

Fall 2012 Freight Notes

Freight Notes News

The Fall 2012 edition of Freight Notes is now available for download. This issue contains articles and information about: Foreign trade zones The future of maritime freight The newly appointed MnDOT Commissioner The newly appointed head of the FHWA Office of Freight Management and Operations Transportation for America’s new MAP-21 guide The demand for wood pellets […]

Spring 2012 Freight Notes

Freight Notes

The Spring 2012 edition of the MAFC Freight Notes is now available. This issue is devoted to a review of the 2012 Mid-America Freight Coalition Annual Meeting, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Summer 2011 Freight Notes

Conferences Events Freight Notes

The Summer 2011 edition of Freight Notes is now available.  This issue contains: Regulatory Uniformity in the North/ West Passage It’s time… Perry Joins CFIRE as MAFC Facilitator MAFC Outreach Materials Regional Freight Study: An Update Hart Joins CFIRE Staff Transportation Profiles for MAFC Commodities Performance Measures for Evaluating Multi-State Projects

Spring 2011 Freight Notes

Freight Notes

The Spring 2011 edition of Freight Notes is now available. This issue contains: Ship Building on the Great Lakes Measuring Transportation Performance Regional Freight Study: Performance Measures Regional Freight Study: Key Industries Regional Freight Study: Communications Workshop: MAFC Outreach Materials Wisconsin’s Long-range Transportation Plan This edition of Freight Notes is also available as a print-friendly […]

Wisconsin's Long-range Transportation Plan

Freight Notes Funding Highway Maritime Rail

Officially adopted in 2009, Connections 2030 is the long-range transportation plan for Wisconsin. The plan addresses all forms of transportation; integrates transportation modes; and identifies policies and implementation priorities to aid transportation decision makers when evaluating program and project priorities over the next 20 years. Connections 2030 is a comprehensive transportation plan for moving people […]

Measuring Transportation Performance

Freight Notes Funding Performance Measures

Many of us in the transportation community have been lamenting the lack of action at the federal level in the reauthorization of transportation programs. We have been operating on continuing resolutions and loans from the general fund for a very long time and Congressional action still seems years in the future. I recently had the […]

Ship Building on the Great Lakes

Freight Notes Maritime

In a recent issue of Freight Notes (No. 11), I reported comments made at a listening session sponsored by MARAD on the future of Great Lakes shipping. Some of those comments, which I said surprised me, questioned whether the shipbuilding industry on the Lakes had the capacity to build a new thousand-foot laker from scratch. […]