Category: Funding

Expanding the Panama Canal: What Does it Mean?

Events Funding

The US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation held a hearing on April 10, 2013 entitled Expanding the Panama Canal: What Does it Mean for American Freight and Infrastructure? The hearing explored how the Panama Canal expansion will change the movement of freight into and throughout the United States, and considered what public and […]

FY2014 Budget Highlights


The US Department of Transportation has released its Budget Highlights for Fiscal Year 2014. The President’s FY 2014 budget request for the Department of Transportation is $77 billion – 6% above the FY 2012 enacted levels. The President’s Budget also includes a $50 billion program to provide immediate transportation investments in key areas. These resources […]

Ohio Jobs and Transportation Plan

Funding News

Ohio recently unveiled a jobs and transportation plan to fund critical highway projects. The Ohio Jobs and Transportation Plan would generate $1.5 billion in new funds for Ohio highways from bonds issued by the Ohio Turnpike Commission and backed by future toll revenues. Up to an additional $1.5 billion could be generated from matching local […]

The Return on Infrastructure Investment

Funding News

Two researchers from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco recently presented a paper at the 2012 NBER Macroeconomics Annual Conference entitled “Roads to Prosperity or Bridges to Nowhere? Theory and Evidence on the Impact of Public Infrastructure Investment.” Here’s the abstract: We examine the dynamic macroeconomic effects of public infrastructure investment both theoretically and […]

Making the Most of MAP-21

Funding News

Transportation for America has just released a handbook to help policy makers and transportation stakeholders understand and implement Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), the recently enacted federal surface transportation legislation. Making the Most of MAP-21: A Guide to the 2012 Federal Transportation Law — And How to Use it for Positive […]

Blazing Trails in Missouri

Funding MAFC

Kevin Keith, Director of the Missouri Department of Transportation, recently published a column in Inbound Logistics that addresses the current state of transportation infrastructure funding in Missouri and the United States. Current transportation funding to support this infrastructure is unsustainable going forward. Relying on fuel taxes will be insufficient as people adopt more fuel-efficient vehicles. […]

MAFC extended through 2015

Funding MAFC

At the recent meeting of the Mid-America Association of State Transportation Officials (MAASTO), the Executive Committee of the Mid-America Freight Coalition authorized the Coalition for an additional three years, through 2015. During these three years, the Mid-America Freight Coalition will focus on aligning it’s research programs and its regional freight study, currently underway, with the […]

FHWA RFA for Off Hours Freight Delivery Pilot Project Grants


The FHWA Office Office of Freight Management and Operations has released a RFA for Off Hours Freight Delivery Pilot Project Grants. FHWA will award up to $450,000 in research grants to explore the benefits of delivering goods during “off hours” in small- and medium-sized urban areas with growing congestion problems. Working with the Environmental Protection Agency, […]

Wisconsin's Long-range Transportation Plan

Freight Notes Funding Highway Maritime Rail

Officially adopted in 2009, Connections 2030 is the long-range transportation plan for Wisconsin. The plan addresses all forms of transportation; integrates transportation modes; and identifies policies and implementation priorities to aid transportation decision makers when evaluating program and project priorities over the next 20 years. Connections 2030 is a comprehensive transportation plan for moving people […]