Category: MAFC

Ten tractor trailers parked in a row. View is from rear.

MAASTO’s Freight Focus Supports Faster Disaster Relief


A first in the nation, MAASTO states have collaborated to increase truck weights across the region for emergency divisible loads during declared disasters. See the AASHTO Journal article (at this link) for details on the regional agreement. The MAFC project report can be found under MAFC Research (here).

First page of Anne Goodchild's presentation with image of person in an urban parking lot with packages behind open delivery van with child looking out of the open delivery van door.

Urban Freight: Transitions and Opportunities, Dr. Anne Goodchild’s Presentation Available

Annual Meeting Events MAFC

The 2021 MAFC annual virtual meeting examines transitions and opportunities in urban freight movement, freight resiliency, freight technologies, and automation. Session one with Dr. Anne Goodchild, Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Director, Supply Chain Transportation & Logistics Center at the University of Washington was held November 4th, and is available under the […]

Hopper style rail cars

MAFC has completed an Analysis of Surface Transportation Board Waybill Data for Freight Planning and Operations.


The objective of this study is to review the STB rail waybill data, analyze it, and examine the adequacy of the data for state freight rail planning and operations decision-making. The study reviews waybill data, focusing on aspects including accessibility, composition, quality, and usability of the data. It compares the waybill data against alternate databases, […]

MAASTO States work to provide safe and sufficient truck parking.


This article was originally posted on January 7, 2020. MAFC has completed a Mid America Association of State Transportation Officials (MAASTO) Regional Truck Parking Inventory project for the MAASTO Motor Carriers Committee and the Standing Committee on Highway Transport examining and mapping truck parking availability, parking amenities, and lot information. The report summarizes public parking […]

Materials from 2019 Annual Meeting Available

Annual Meeting Events MAFC

MAFC technical representatives from 10 member states met in Indianapolis, Indiana for the MAFC 2019 Annual Meeting. The meeting was held August 12-14 in conjunction with the MAASTO 2019 conference. Freight topics included vehicle platooning, truck parking and TPIMS, marine freight planning and impacts, blockchain and new technology for freight payments, and connected and automated vehicles. […]

2019 MAFC Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting Events MAFC

MAFC annual meeting will be held in conjunction with the Mid America Association of State Transportation Officials (MAASTO) annual meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, Aug. 12-14, 2019. View the agenda here: 2019 Annual Meeting MAFC Agenda

Materials from 2018 Annual Meeting Available for Download

Annual Meeting Events MAFC

In August, the MAFC technical representatives from the 10 member states met in Traverse City, Michigan for the 2018 MAFC Annual Meeting. This meeting was held in conjunction with the MAASTO 2018 conference, which dedicated a track to freight topics throughout the two-day event. The content for the breakout sessions in this track was driven by MAFC […]

Developing a Regional Regulatory Approach to Truck Platooning in the MAASTO Region

MAFC Research

The Mid-America Freight Coalition, in cooperation with the MAASTO Working Group on Automation and Platooning, has published its report, Developing a Regional Regulatory Approach to Truck Platooning in the MAASTO Region: A Literature Review of the History, Progress, and Benefits of Truck Platooning. Download the Truck Platooning Report This report provides an overview of the development of truck platooning and automation […]

Ahn Joins MAFC as Executive Director


The members of MAFC welcome Dr. Soyoung Ahn as the organization’s new executive director. In this role, Dr. Ahn succeeds Professor Teresa Adams, who resigned from the position in which she served for a decade.  Dr. Ahn is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Wisconsin–Madison where […]

Truck Platooning – A Report from the MAASTO Working Group and MAFC


The purpose of this report is to provide an understanding of truck platooning and how this technology can be adopted across MAASTO freight corridors in a uniform manner. Coordinated regulations across state boundaries will better serve and meet the needs of the industry. The overall goal is to develop a Midwest Truck Platooning Regulatory Model that provides for harmonization of regulations governing truck platooning across the MAASTO region.