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Category: Outreach
MAFC Program Administrator, Ernest Perry, PhD, testified last week to members of the Assembly Transportation Committee for the State of Wisconsin in support of continued funding for the Harbor Assistance Program (HAP). In his statement, Perry emphasized a multiagency effort that has been taking place for over three years to to increase the freight and […]
As part of the Mid-America Freight Coalition’s Freight Planning Innovation webinar series, the planning group of the Iowa Department of Transportation presented their work in developing Iowa’s freight improvement prioritization process. The planning team discussed the use of their VCAP (Value, Condition, and Performance) matrix to rank freight projects. The presentation was attended by about […]
MAFC program manager Ernie Perry has been invited to serve on the Advisory Group for the M-35 (Waterway of the Saints) Marine Highway. The Advisory Group consists of representatives from various stakeholder groups, including industry sectors, federal agencies, local governments, regional planning agencies, labor groups, academia, and environmental and flood control interests. The representatives will serve in […]
CFIRE researcher Ernie Perry has been invited by Wisconsin DOT Secretary Mark Gottlieb to serve as a representative on the newly formed Wisconsin Freight Advisory Committee (FAC). Perry also serves as the program manager of the Mid-America Freight Coalition (MAFC). Dr. Perry will serve a two-year term with approximately 30 other voting representatives from the industry, […]
The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) recently released the latest draft of the Missouri State Freight Plan and invited the public to provide input. Over the last several months the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) has been working with stakeholders across the state to identify opportunities and actions to improve Missouri’s freight transportation system. The […]
CFIRE/MAFC researchers recently released a brief on the use of Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESALs) for understanding and communicating the impact of truck traffic on our nation’s roads and highways. This brief is available here.
The first episode in the MAFC Best Practice series focused on the Institutionalization of Freight. Cheryl Ball (Missouri DOT), Jack Kimmerling (Indiana DOT), Craig O’Riley (Iowa DOT), and John Tompkins (Minnesota DOT) discussed their efforts to develop freight champions, policies, and programs in their agencies. The materials from this webinar have been archived and are […]
CFIRE researchers recently published a guide entitled Using Benefit-Cost Analysis for Evaluating Discretionary Transportation Infrastructure Investment. This guide uses Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant requirements to as an example of using BCA as a project selection tool. TIGER as a program relies on benefit-cost analysis (BCA) as a selection criteria for grant recipients. Managers and analysts alike can use BCA guidance […]
Friday, October 5, 2012, 8 a.m. – noon Holiday Inn Rochester Downtown 220 South Broadway Avenue Rochester, MN 55904 The next meeting of the Minnesota Freight Advisory Committee (MFAC) will focus on the unique freight issues and innovations experienced by Southeast Minnesota. Plan now to attend and hear from shippers, carriers, facilities operators, and the public […]