TIGER Grant Selection Process

Funding MAFC News

The US Department of Transportation has published a short process summary of the TIGER Grant Selection Process. This document includes brief descriptions of the technical evaluation process and the review and selection process for the first round of TIGER Grants, awarded in February 2010.

2010 Conference and Annual Meeting Now Complete

Annual Meeting MAFC

The 2010 MVFC Conference and Annual Meeting is now complete.  More than 80 attendees enjoyed a number of discussions about all the aspects of freight in the Mississippi Valley region and the nation as a whole. We’ll be posting a summary report of the conference activities and posting the presentations from the speakers and panelists […]

2010 Conference and Annual Meeting: Day 3

Annual Meeting MAFC

Day 3 of the 2010 MVFC Annual Meeting was devoted to a discussion about the future. MVFC Facilitator Ernie Wittwer conducted a discussion to help the conference attendees look toward the future of the coalition and to consider the issues important to the member states and to the region as a whole. The discussion was […]

2010 Conference and Annual Meeting: Day 2

Annual Meeting MAFC

The second day of the 2010 MVFC Conference and Annual Meeting is now in the books. In the morning, there were two panel discussions, one devoted to water transportation and other to rail transportation. The Water Transportation panel was moderated by Rich Cooper from the Ports of Indiana, who also gave a presentation on the […]

2010 Conference and Annual Meeting: Day 1

Annual Meeting MAFC

The first day of the 2010 MVFC Conference and Annual Meeting is now complete. We’ve had a successful day talking about different aspects of freight research, policy, and outreach. The day started with two parallel sessions devoted to MVFC research projects. Teresa Adams and Kaushik Bekkem talked about the I-90/94 Corridor Resilency project and Peter […]

USDOT Benefit/Cost Workshop

MAFC Workshops

The US Department of Transportation will sponsor an introductory workshop that provides an introduction to benefit/cost analysis for transportation infrastructure. Download the flyer and the draft agenda for this workshop. Benefit/cost analysis is becoming increasingly important in the evaluation of transportation projects funded by federal transportation programs.

Online Registration Closed

Annual Meeting MAFC

Online registration is now closed for the 2010 MVFC Conference and Annual Meeting–but you can always register onsite in Cincinnati. We’ll see you there on April 27th!

Annual Meeting Program Finalized

Annual Meeting MAFC

The 2010 Mississippi Valley Freight Coalition Conference and Annual Meeting starts in less than a week and the final program is now available. Travel safely and we’ll see you in Cincinnati on April 27.

MDOT Director Steudle Testifies about Highway Safety


MDOT Director Kirk Steudle, who is also chairman of the AASHTO Standing Committee on Highway Safety, testified before the Senate Environment and Public Works committee on April 14, 2010, emphasizing the importance of highway safety.